Summer is here, and sisters with a Stethoscope has been barbecuing up some amazing new resources for our sisters!!
Starting next week we will have four blog posts each week! Make sure you sign up to be a sister( ) to receive alerts when we upload blogs!! Blogs will include a range of topics and resources from new medical news to studying for science classes.
We will also have FREE tutoring. YES, FREE tutoring for grades k-8. To receive tutoring you will need to be a sister(member). Look out for more info and the sign-up form which will
come soon.
Sisters With a Stethoscope might be coming to you!! We will be partnering with community centers and libraries to provide teens and tweens with more info on what sisters with a Stethescope does. We might even bring a medical professional with us:)
To obtain more Sisters with a Stethoscope resources follow our Instagram: sisterswitha_Stethescope and become a member: