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National Health month Lung Cancer and Vapes

This month is National Lung Cancer Awareness Month, but it is important to understand that we as teens and tweens can lower our chances of getting lung cancer by just saying no to vapes. Vapes which are also e-cigarettes contain a high amount of Nicatin(an addictive chemical), vapes can be camouflaged as USBs, phone chargers, and gum packs amongst other things a student would have in their backpack. Vapes can have different flavors such as; cotton candy, strawberry, mango, and banana. These flavors are a way to attract juveniles into buying e-cigarettes.

Now, I know as a high school student myself I have witnessed many students in the bathroom vaping as well as simply just walking home. This is an issue for both high schoolers and now middle schoolers, I even heard about elementary school students using vapes in other states! But, it's so important to understand two things:

  1. What a turn right and left looks like

  2. What to do once you have made a turn left

Right and Left

Many societies equate the term right with a heavenly or godly and left as an evil turn. So for this instance, a turn right would be a turn that says no to your "friends"(we will get into that in a moment) and a turn that potentially can secure you a healthy future. A turn left is a turn that makes you fall into peer pressure, a turn that chooses instant gratification over your future. A left turn can potentially not only change your everyday life but your future, it's a turn that enters addiction into your life. Now you have to understand you might be a well-performing student but once your addicted to a substance you can no longer remember those vocabulary words, what your homework is, when to study, how to study, all your brain will want is the vape. Not only do vapes change your habits but your inhale metals into your lungs. These metals make you have a higher risk of heart problems and lung cancer. Lung cancer by the way is the number one cause of cancer deaths. Heart issues are the number one cause of death in the country.

Once you have made a left turn

Whenever I watch a youtube video I see ads against using vapes and how dangerous they can be for your life. But, what I never really notice are resources for those who want to put their lives back together. Deciding to stand up against addiction is one of the most vital decisions you will make in your life. Addiction is usually not something you can do by going cold turkey, you will need to speak to someone, you might feel uncomfortable speaking to your parents or an authority figure at school but if there is anyone you know you can trust that will HELP YOU. NOT THE FRIENDS WHO HANDED YOU THE VAPES. But, rather a counselor at school or even reaching out to your local government which might have resources for you. The first step to tackling addiction is finding help but make sure your "help" is someone you CARES about your well-being. We are all rooting for you!!


Now, this leads to my next topic something that seems very sensitive to middle school and high school girls our social circles. The people around us influence us you might not realize it but, that's the truth! Subconsciously you will mimic the behaviors of people that surround you. If the people around you are only looking to have fun and are not level-headed end the friendship and be alone. Being alone has such peace to it. I have stayed in the bathroom stall at lunch many times because I had no social circle. And I still really don't now. Remember it's just high school and middle school. Who you are going to be is bigger than just those four walls in your school.

I advise this quote to anyone that's afraid to let go of friendships that are toxic for their physical and mental health:

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